City of Roseville:
Crime Rate in Roseville Dropping Steadily
Did you know:
- Roseville's violent crime rate is consistently 35-40 percent lower than the state average.
- Violent crime in Roseville is at its lowest point in 16 years.
- Our crime rate (per capita crime) was 44 percent lower in 2011 than in 1995.
- Seventy-three percent of Roseville's crime reports are thefts, and of those, about half consist of thieves stealing stuff out of vehicles. Many crimes can be prevented by always locking your vehicle and removing all valuables, or better yet, parking in your locked garage.
- You can review Roseville crime data from 1995 through 2011, and find links to state and national crime databases on our website.
- You can sign-up for our Public Safety and Neighborhood News e-newsletter here.
For more information on this story please visit the City of Roseville website.
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For information on the Roseville Jail go to the Roseville Jail website